Know Everything About
Acne and Pregnancy

Acne or pimple is one of the common skin problems in pregnancy. Pregnancy is associated with bitter problems such as morning sickness, breathlessness and even acne breakouts in some women. Every woman, deserve to have clear skin and facial glow; but in some it is held back due to severe acne break outs.

It makes us sad is that you cannot take many modern acne treatments during pregnancy; as they are not safe and recommended. Overall, you are going to give birth to a new life and hence need an extra attention and be cautious.

Let us understand why does acne occurs during pregnancy:

Acne during pregnancy; it is just another acne and nothing different. As there is sudden shift in physiological changes during pregnancy; an increase in hormones called androgens can cause the glands in your skin to grow and produce an oily substance called sebum (more than normal). This oil or sebum combines with the dirt and the dead debris lined up in the hair follicles and blocks the pores and further creates an environment for the normal bacteria to multiply rapidly; eventually leadings to inflammations and skin eruption resulting in acne.

If you have a history of acne flares during menstruation; you are at high risk of getting acne break outs during pregnancy. If you do not develop acne during the first trimester, it’s unlikely you’ll have breakouts during the second or third trimesters.

Management of Acne:

The management of acne is mainly restricted to home-based treatments such as home remedies and home care skin products such as:

  • Wash your face Wash your face gently at least twice a day using warm water or mild cleanser to remove the excess oil, dead skin cells, and dirt; decreasing the possibility of acne. Avoid harsh scrubbing of the face.
  • Use oil-free makeup, lotions, or moisturizer.
  • Use a gentle exfoliants to keep your pores open, 2% salicylic acid mask and < 10% glycolic acid mask or lotion; advisable to use once or twice a week.

    Use a gel based moisturizer to keep skin hydrated. Do not use a if your skin is oily or greasy.

  • Drink plenty of water (2 to 3 litres daily) to keep your skin as well as body hydrated and helps in detoxifying the toxins present in your body. Well hydration gives a healthy glowing face and also helps to reduce acne.
  • Avoid greasy & heavy foundation makeup; and use products that are non-comedogenic, sheer, and fragrance-free; if have function to attend.
  • Don’t touch & pick your face as : Do not touch your face with unwashed hands because this may also spread the infection to your facial skin that damages your facial skin. Do not pick or pop your pimples; it may worse your problem and can cause marks and or even scars on the face.
  • Avoid certain foods like oily, fried or junk foods and dairy products because these lead to acne breakouts. Consume more of fresh fruits, vegetables, and whole grains.
  • Reduce stress as stress will increases cortisol levels, which in turn can increase the oil secretion. Opt for yoga, meditation to relieve stress.
  • Good quality sleep well for about 7-9 hours is beneficial to your skin.
  • Relieve Stress: change in necessary lifestyle may relieve stress; as stress increases internal cortisol levels, which in turn can increase the oil secretion.
  • Keep hair away from falling on face; as oils and gels applied to your hairs will make oily or may irritate your skin coming in contact with it.
  • HoneyHoney has anti-inflammatory antibacterial properties and can be used to moisture the skin. Raw honey is a great source of vitamin, enzymes and other natural nutrients.
  • OatmealA natural antioxidant, anti-inflammatory and anti-bacteria due to its active compound zinc. You can make oatmeal mask with honey, milk or coconut water.
  • LemonA lemon has antimicrobial properties in reducing acne and as an excellent exfoliant to reduce the appearance of scars.
  • Apple Cider Vinegar : Apple cider vinegar is made by fermenting apple cider, or the unfiltered juice from pressed apples. It contains organic acids such as malic and lactic acid, may kill acne-causing bacteria and dry up the excess oil that causes acne. It even exfoliates the skin to reduce the red marks.
  • Citrus FruitsAcidic foods like citrus fruit juice or vinegar are astringent and can flush pores and help dry out acne.
  • Green tea Green tea is very high in antioxidants, and drinking it can promote good health. Applying 2-3% green tea significantly reduces sebum production, fight inflammation and pimples in those with acne-prone skin. This is because the flavonoids and tannins in green tea are known to fight bacteria and reduce inflammation.
  • Tea Tree OilTea tree oil has strong anti-bacterial and anti-inflammatory properties, help prevent acne and pimples.
  • TurmericTurmeric ingredients has anti-inflammatory and anti-microbial properties and a solid solution to get rid of acne at home.
  • Egg WhitesEgg whites have been used as a quite effective home remedy for wrinkles and pimples.
  • AloeAloe Vera is a tropical plant whose leaves produce a clear gel. . Aloe Vera has antibacterial properties and can promote healing, fight infection, and even reduce scarring. Aloe vera also contains salicylic acid and sulfur, which are both used extensively in the treatment of acne
  • MedicationMedicines without prescription called OTC product can be tried with caution. If OTC medicines failed to work, better to consult dermatologist. They may prescribe topical medicines such as benzoyl peroxide (2.5%), salicylic acid, clindamycin or with oral antibiotic in very severe cases, depending upon type and severity of acne.