GFC is a modern innovative, non-invasive, and very safe treatment, which works best non-surgical alternative to treat hair loss. GFC is an autologous preparation from your own blood for superior results. The growth factors are delivered at the hair root during the GFC hair loss treatment by superficially injecting them into the scalp.
GFC aims to stop hair loss, stimulate hair growth, thicken hair follicles, and increase the density of hairs. Growth factors such as PDGF (Platelet Derived Growth Factor), TGF-B (Transforming Growth Factor), VEGF (Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor) IGF-1 (Insulin Growth Factor-1) etc., are the derivatives of GFC.
It represents a significant advancement in the science of treating baldness and was developed after in-depth research, studies, and positive clinical trials.
Aprox. 15ml of the patient’s venous blood is collected and equally distributed in GFC tubes.
The blood mixed by inverting and reverting the tube 6–10 times gently. This allows mixing of the Growth factor Activator.
Growth factors such as PDGF, TGF-B, VEGF, EGF and IGF-1 are released. Incubate the tube at room temperature for 20min in stand.
Following that, all tubes are centrifuged (need to be counterbalance) at 3400 rpm for 10 minutes which separates the GFC solution from rest of blood.
GFCs autologous growth factor concentration is collected in the tubes. GFCs are gathered at the tube cap and are subsequently collected using a collecting syringe. The needle's tip is inserted just beneath the tube's cover.
The collected GFC is now ready for use. GFC output can range in colour from yellow to yellowish brown-orange to reddish. This concentrated growth factor solution (CGFT) is then microinjected into the scalp. Numerous scientific studies have shown that this therapy is far superior and more comfortable than traditional PRP.
We provide private consultations with board-certified medical professionals that thoroughly examine your skin type, go over any issues you may have, and go over your medical background.
We support you before, during, and after the procedure as we advise you
We make certain to follow safe practises in a thoroughly sterile setting.
We help you feel at peace by making you feel comfortable throughout the process!